Is Pizza Bad for your Teeth

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Today, I found myself without lunch.  This is not an abnormal occurrence, but walking down the road to the nearest pizza shop and ordering a slice was a bit different.  As i was enjoying this amazing slice of pizza I wondered if I was actually not only hurting my body by eating a hi in fat and calorie food, but also damaging my teeth.  So I decided to look into the topic a bit and was pleasantly surprised by the results. Instead of finding a bunch of articles by dentists talking about why pizza was so bad for your dental hygiene I found the opposite.  Actually there are a lot of good things that can actually come from pizza when it comes to strictly dental hygiene.

The first thing I read was that the cheese in pizza was actually a benefit to your tooth enamel.  Apparently cheese is high in calcium and generally is a big boost to your tooth growth. So by eating more cheese you are actually promoting tooth formation and growth.  This was a big shock but it also has some extra benefits that work in the body in different ways to promote dental health as well.


The next shocking revelation was that the bread was more positive then negative when it comes to your health.  The crunchy nature and also chewing nature is a benefit.  The movement involved helps to build your jaw muscles and also promote more saliva flow. 

The extra flow of saliva actually cleans and helps erase those sugars that build up on your teeth and cause tooth decay and tartar build up. So make sure to eat those crusts instead of feeling more healthy for leaving them out of your pizza diet. I mean come on you are eating pizza for goodness sake. Being thin is most likely not going to be a big part of it so instead of losing a few calories help your teeth out and chomp on down on the crust!


It turns out that lots of ingredients in the average pizza also promote many good things due to the fact that vitamin B is in it.  Vitamin B is found in most meats and cheeses involved in the average pizza. If you do not have enough vitamin b then it can cause jaw pains and your tongue to swell which can be very dangerous for many reasons.  So eat pizza and help your dental hygiene out a bit!

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